A lot of the quirks of their characters definitely came from them. Thompson: You're a very capable director you're given this studio movie, but how much of what we see is because of their guidance?Īnderson: In terms of the performance, I was very much led by them, and I was very open to letting them experiment and try different things. When Laurence Fishburne talks to you about acting, you listen.
They were very giving in terms of their experience, support, and advice they would offer, which helped the movie a lot. My background was not from theatre, I hadn't had a tremendous amount of experience working with actors, and they were on a different level. It was only my third film, and I was working with some very experienced people, like Laurence and Sam. I think what came out of the conversations we had was more character stuff. That was already locked in before we started to shoot, and it had to be because these were huge and elaborate builds. I was heavily influenced by the work of painters like Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel, the photography of Joel-Peter Witkin, and the architecture of the Event Horizon ship was based on Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. You'd meet and talk about the movie, but I wondered how much of the stuff you discussed in those get-togethers influenced the final film.Īnderson: I think the movie's look was set before we started shooting. Thompson: Event Horizon's producer, Jeremy Bolt, mentioned on a Blu-ray feature that you all used to hang out at Soho House when he was new on the London scene. (Left to right) Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan, and Jason Isaacs in 'Event.