His sculpt is lanky and textured, and is slightly reminiscent of Transformers in the 90s.

Acroyear himself stands about 3 ½ inches tall, and has 11 points of articulation. Traditionally the figures have been in 3 ¾ inch scale, but Magne Power was closer to just 3 inches even. The Magne Power line showed a break from the typical Microman style in scale. I have the blue one, mostly because it was the one I found. The figure was offered in red, green, and blue.
Microman acroyear series#
He was part of a whole series of Demon Acroyears. This version of Acroyear was released as part of the Microman Magne Power line, which was the branding of the line during the 90s. I’ll be looking at one of the Acroyears today. The line always featured heroes with chrome heads, and most of the time the heroes faced the villainous Acroyears. More recently, the line has been brought back under its original name, but the line’s never really died down in Japan, just been rebranded numerous times. This connection is generally lost, based on Hasbro’s desire to make the line its own thing. The second is the one most people know, Hasbro’s Transformers in the 80s. The first was Mego’s Micronauts line in the late 70s, which reused a bunch of Microman molds with new names and color schemes. The line started in Japan in the 60s, and it’s been imported to the US under three separate names. Today’s review comes from if from the line Microman, a toyline that is more influential to the toy industry than many people would realize.